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Last week the RBNZ lowered the OCR, finally acknowledging that the economy is in the doldrums. Nick Gentle shares his thoughts on what it means for investors. 

The coalition government has continued to reset some policies that affect rental property owners. In this article I summarize recently announced changes for interest deductibility, brightline, pets and pet bonds, 90 day no-cause tenancy termination and fixed term tenancies. 

In the wake of the election and change of government, Nick takes an early look at what will (and what might) change. 

With credit tight, tax rules unfair, weather events happening far to often, and an election coming up, many investors are choosing to sit on the sidelines. There are still a ton of things you can do to review and improve your portfolio, make sure your structure and insurance is OK, increase your knowledge, or yes, even make a deal happen that you would otherwise have not thought to look for. 

Watch the video of Peter Ambrose's introduction to commercial property for new investors. Pete shares what investors need to pay attention to and showcases two case studies of commerical property purchases.

Inflation, interest rates, tax policy changes, immigration news and an election year. It's all happening and this creates uncertainty and fear. Nick hosted a panel discussion with other experienced market players to discuss how to deal with the ups and downs in the property cycle. 

iFindCommercial! We recently helped a new investor who had sold his business buy into two great commercial investments. In this case study we talk about the education, search and buying process we followed.

Inflation is back, politicians are fighting about it, interest rates are up, the tax rules are changing, there is war in Europe and we are still in a pandemic. The headlines remind you daily that There is Lots to Worry About. How can you possibly invest through all this? Nick shares his plan.

Does your portfolio need a review and redirection? Nick Gentle looks at alternative investment scenarios and their merits.

Our Wellington expert, Pete, recently sourced and then project managed the renovation of a project in Wellington. Read more about how he found the unique deal for his clients and helped them from beginning to end to achieve their investment portfolio goals.

Dean Horo explains why being a residential property investor in these times is like being a high performance athlete preparing to compete.

Kara talks us through a recent property purchase in Rotorua for clients of our Premium Buyers Service. The property is now rented through iRentProperty for a 5.8% yield.

Nick Gentle gives his top tips for investors on overcoming the Government’s recent policy changes.

Our agents' knowledge of zoning was the key to success in this Auckland suburb deal. Keep reading to hear how this case study played out.

The government made a significant housing announcement, in the hope to be seen to be doing more about the runaway housing market. Anthony Appleton-Tattersall explains what this might mean for investors. 

Nick Gentle explains it’s certain traits that successful investors have, rather than strategies, that make them a success.

Nick has purchased five times since lockdown, here he shares details of his latest investments and explains why investors shouldn’t despair.

Finding a decent deal in the current market has many investors throwing their hands up in the air, but lost opportunities also have a cost.

Ask any buyer or sellers agents who live and work in Dunedin or follow any of the abundance of real estate company/mortgage brokers blogs and webinars on the Dunedin property market and you will see a consistent commentary - "not enough stock", record prices, record rent levels, rental yields down, investors missing out on sales, the list goes on.

A Wellington based client knew a deal when he saw it. He put his trust in the iFindProperty team and as a result, secured a fantastic property that could have sold a dozen times over. 

A lot of people shy away from property investment because they are afraid of future maintenance items. All that stuff can be outsourced! Don't let replacing some carpet in 5 years talk you out of the right financial decision.

I spoke with the local news about property and they asked for some tips for new investors. Here is a list of twelve strategic ideas that will help you to start with the right mindset and team.

In 2019 Chris Sim worked with Ricky and Alana on a property purchase that soon turned into an adventure and required faith in the process. Our clients stuck with it and have been very well rewarded. 

These days it is possible to invest in property from anywhere in the world, using modern communication tools and people on the ground to help you build your wealth in New Zealand while you are away. Here is how...

Nick, Peter and Suzanne hopped on a Webinar to discuss recent happenings with property and Covid-19 as the country prepares to exit level 4. We then dove into the Wellington market and look forward to see what life holds for the capital.

During a crisis the book as I see it is hold onto your assets and acquire more as you can, while sticking to rues and maintaining some flexibility. As a property investor it is about access to cash in the immediate term to handle a painful vacancy or job loss, while med/long term good cashflow is critical.

On April 6 I spoke with other experienced investors about their reaction to the unfolding Covid-19 crisis. The speakers on this call have invested through past downturns and offer invaluable experience. 

Resources and information links regarding the Covid-19 crisis and lockdown

Resources and information links regarding the Covid-19 crisis and lockdown

This post will be an evolving list of resources and links for homeowners, renters and landlords during the Covid-19 crisis. 

The recent escalation of COVID-19 is having a profound effect on the tourism industry in Rotorua as well as around the country. The increasingly imminent shutdown of most hospitality businesses in New Zealand means will be the loss of many hundreds of thousands of jobs in the short term.

I’m sure there will be two groups of investors out there; one will be excited the other terrified and worried.

This article breaks down the RTA amendment bill. It contains links to an interview between Nick and the manager of APIA and some other good resources that explaon the bill and what you can do. Submissions close March 25.

Tony was a guest speaker at the New Zealand Property Investors Federation Conference 2019 which was held in Rotorua. This is a summary of what he spoke about which has been provided by him
Tony Alexander's Aim
To help Kiwis make better decisions for their businesses, investments, home purchases, and people by writing in an easy to understand manner.

Understanding the lending criteria applied by Lenders and using an experienced mortgage broker specialising in property investors are two things that can significantly increase your ability to capitalize on your borrowing power.

From a marriage breakup in her late forties to owning her own home in Auckland freehold not too many years later... iFindProperty client Lorraine Rishworth has had one amazing turnaround and she was featured in the New Zealand Property Investor Magazine in early 2019 to share her story.

In a hot property market where affordable houses are quickly snapped up, our client nabbed themselves a great cashflow property at a price that means they will be able to buy again soon.

2018 Year End Review and Setting 2019 Goals

2018 Year End Review and Setting 2019 Goals

In this post I share my process to review the past year and set some goals for the year ahead.

In my time as a property investor and particularly as I work more and more with other successful investors, I can't but help notice that the happy and successful people all do some things in common.

Wow, where has the time gone? We nearly through 2018 and the last 12 months has flown by. A fair bit has changed and I have a snapshot of where we are in the market. The new CVs come out in November and the expectation is for a massive increase compared with the 2015 CV we currently have.