Blog > Investor Case Studies

iFindCommercial! We recently helped a new investor who had sold his business buy into two great commercial investments. In this case study we talk about the education, search and buying process we followed.

Our Wellington expert, Pete, recently sourced and then project managed the renovation of a project in Wellington. Read more about how he found the unique deal for his clients and helped them from beginning to end to achieve their investment portfolio goals.

Kara talks us through a recent property purchase in Rotorua for clients of our Premium Buyers Service. The property is now rented through iRentProperty for a 5.8% yield.

Our agents' knowledge of zoning was the key to success in this Auckland suburb deal. Keep reading to hear how this case study played out.

A Wellington based client knew a deal when he saw it. He put his trust in the iFindProperty team and as a result, secured a fantastic property that could have sold a dozen times over. 

In 2019 Chris Sim worked with Ricky and Alana on a property purchase that soon turned into an adventure and required faith in the process. Our clients stuck with it and have been very well rewarded. 

Want to see what some of our investors have been buying? Look no further! Debbie shares a couple of recent deals in Rotorua.