Blog > Goal Setting

With credit tight, tax rules unfair, weather events happening far to often, and an election coming up, many investors are choosing to sit on the sidelines. There are still a ton of things you can do to review and improve your portfolio, make sure your structure and insurance is OK, increase your knowledge, or yes, even make a deal happen that you would otherwise have not thought to look for. 

Does your portfolio need a review and redirection? Nick Gentle looks at alternative investment scenarios and their merits.

Our Wellington expert, Pete, recently sourced and then project managed the renovation of a project in Wellington. Read more about how he found the unique deal for his clients and helped them from beginning to end to achieve their investment portfolio goals.

Nick Gentle gives his top tips for investors on overcoming the Government’s recent policy changes.

These days it is possible to invest in property from anywhere in the world, using modern communication tools and people on the ground to help you build your wealth in New Zealand while you are away. Here is how...

2018 Year End Review and Setting 2019 Goals

2018 Year End Review and Setting 2019 Goals

In this post I share my process to review the past year and set some goals for the year ahead.

In my time as a property investor and particularly as I work more and more with other successful investors, I can't but help notice that the happy and successful people all do some things in common.

The best time to learn and grow is always right now and it certainly does not matter if you are currently looking to buy or not. In fact, a bit of down time between open homes and evaluating properties can be the perfect opportunity to reflect and study.

Here are some things you can do right now that will provide long term benefits to your investing.

People will often say to me, you were lucky that you got in at a good time when you started your investing, you couldn’t do that now. Or, it was lucky you found some good agents to help you find properties when you started, there’s too much competition from other investors now.

Roger Hamilton uses a word analogy with the word ‘Luck’, mostly with operating a business and comparing it to a game of soccer (football).
I’ve used it below in a similar way to show you how it works if you are a property investor and want to become luckier!

Having a successful retirement takes some planning. ”Winging it" may not be the best strategy. Here are some common traits of those who have a successful retirement.