Blog > Mortgages

Last week the RBNZ lowered the OCR, finally acknowledging that the economy is in the doldrums. Nick Gentle shares his thoughts on what it means for investors. 

With credit tight, tax rules unfair, weather events happening far to often, and an election coming up, many investors are choosing to sit on the sidelines. There are still a ton of things you can do to review and improve your portfolio, make sure your structure and insurance is OK, increase your knowledge, or yes, even make a deal happen that you would otherwise have not thought to look for. 

Inflation is back, politicians are fighting about it, interest rates are up, the tax rules are changing, there is war in Europe and we are still in a pandemic. The headlines remind you daily that There is Lots to Worry About. How can you possibly invest through all this? Nick shares his plan.

On April 6 I spoke with other experienced investors about their reaction to the unfolding Covid-19 crisis. The speakers on this call have invested through past downturns and offer invaluable experience. 

Understanding the lending criteria applied by Lenders and using an experienced mortgage broker specialising in property investors are two things that can significantly increase your ability to capitalize on your borrowing power.