Blog > Doing the Numbers

Watch the video of Peter Ambrose's introduction to commercial property for new investors. Pete shares what investors need to pay attention to and showcases two case studies of commerical property purchases.

Inflation is back, politicians are fighting about it, interest rates are up, the tax rules are changing, there is war in Europe and we are still in a pandemic. The headlines remind you daily that There is Lots to Worry About. How can you possibly invest through all this? Nick shares his plan.

During a crisis the book as I see it is hold onto your assets and acquire more as you can, while sticking to rues and maintaining some flexibility. As a property investor it is about access to cash in the immediate term to handle a painful vacancy or job loss, while med/long term good cashflow is critical.

Understanding the lending criteria applied by Lenders and using an experienced mortgage broker specialising in property investors are two things that can significantly increase your ability to capitalize on your borrowing power.

Wow, where has the time gone? We nearly through 2018 and the last 12 months has flown by. A fair bit has changed and I have a snapshot of where we are in the market. The new CVs come out in November and the expectation is for a massive increase compared with the 2015 CV we currently have.

Quite a few property investors are thinking about selling. Should you just accept that you will have to recover all the building depreciation you have previously claimed? ……… NO

We invited an investor, insurance advisor and property tax specialist to a round table discussion of strategies, pros, cons potential pitfalls when planning or running a short term rental investment in New Zealand.

A glimpse into what our team assists clients with during the due diligence period of a potential purchase. Just what is required to do your analysis in the time allowed takes a bit of experience and as you can see, there is often more to it than just emailing the contract to your lawyer and bank.

Most investors are familiar with the saying, "You make your profit when you buy."

So how do you consistently do this? There are a two very common schools of thought; firstly, to buy properties with high yield and secondly to purchase the worst house in the best street (or suburb)...